We work with extended top-suppliers to provide high quality frozen seafood.
Sourcing products to satisfy our customers.

We ensure quality, clear communication & a fair market price to buy.
Romi Kusters
Seafood Expertise Indonesia
Strategic sourcing & quality inspection.
Indonesian seafood is renowned for their high quality from the world biggest archipelago and their pristine waters.
Seafood Expertise is specialised in strategic sourcing and quality inspection for your finest seafood from Indonesia to worldwide distribution. We are aiming to provide seafood importers with a full range of services to ensure that their buying is worry free.
Worldwide network
We can proudly say that with our dedication and hard work we now represent some reputed buyers worldwide. This has been possible due to our multi-pronged approach to understand and cater to the buyers
A large range of species are available and can be sourced in:
- Whole round, GG, HGT, Fillets, Steaks, Portions
- NW 100% (protective glaze), 90%, 80%
- Master carton: 5kg, 10kg, 25kg boxes
Any special request? Feel free to contact us.
Long line
- Kingfish - Scomberomorus commerson
- Mahi mahi - Coryphaena hippurus
- Oilfish - Lepidocybium flavobrunneum
- Swordfish - Xiphias gladius
- Wahoo - Acanthocybium solandri
- Yellowfin tuna - Thunnus albacares
Reef fish
- Emperor - Lethrinus spp
- Grouper - Epinephelus spp
- Parrot fish - Scaridae
- Red mullet - Parupeneus heptacanthus
- Red snapper - Lutjanus sanguineus/ malabaricus/ boha
- Cuttlefish - Sepia spp
- Octopus - Octopus cyaneus
- Squid - Loligo spp
Aqua culture
- Barramundi - Lates calcarifer
- Catfish - Clarius fuscus
- Milkfish - Chanos chanos
- Tilapia - Oreochromis niloticus

Independent quality inspection & monitoring.
Buyers confirm orders directly to suppliers and at the buyers request, the supplier schedules the loading supervision with our quality control department.
After loading supervision we send a comprehensive and objective report supported by pictures to our customers.
By not meeting the exact specification of your order, the departure of the container will be blocked till the specifications will meet the full requirement.

For questions or inquiries please contact me via email or Skype. I’m looking forward doing business with you.
Romi Kusters
Seafood Expertise Indonesia
+31 (0)6 20 07 07 70
COC: 301 573 44
VAT: NL 170 866 270 B.01